Market Climatology
Macro and Micro are not definitive enough to describe Market Climatology

The Fractal Market Hypothesis: An Overview
The Fractal Market Hypothesis (from my 1994 book) is the basis for my cycle and regime research.

Financial Instability (“Minsky”) Regimes
“Stability leads to instability. The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will be when the crisis hits.” — Hyman Minsky

Short-term Reflation Expectation Cycles
The direction of expected inflation influences central bank policy and markets.

Long-term Inflation Regimes
The level of inflation has a significant impact on the behavior of markets as well as how markets relate to one another.

Market Uncertainty Cycles
“For uncertain matters there are no calculable probabilities whatsoever. We simply do not know.” - J.M. Keynes